Market Solutions for creating Online and Offline Survey
I magine you own a furniture shop. And you want to expand it and establish a branch in every big city. What do you need for it? Growth ... You need to know what new designs are in trend in the market, which kind of wood catches the eye of the people and other such details. Whom do you turn into for the suggestions? Your friends? Partner? Well, who knows better about what your customers want? Now you can’t go to your every customer and ask about their opinion for obvious reasons. So, to help you gather the meaningful information you want without the hustle, survey, and c ustomer satisfaction survey come in handy. And that is why survey applications are the magic bullet for collecting data from your customers. CViewSurvey works the same. Let me first brief you about CViewSurvey. CViewSurvey CViewSurvey is a mobile based survey application that enables users to create customized surveys and evaluate real-time customer experience on their mobiles and tablet...